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Tag Archives: Vicar of Christ

Pope Francis, A Year Later



Today is the first year anniversary of the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio to the Chair of Peter as Vicar of Christ.  He would take the name of St. Francis of Assisi in an apparent show of his intention to fix the Church as St. Francis did in his time.  Congratulations to Pope Francis on his first year of capturing the world for Christ.

I will update this post throughout the day**

Pope Francis Getting Through

Pope Francis continues to spread the seeds of Christ’s love throughout the world.


The “New Yorker” magazine recently had a caricature of him making a ‘snow angel’ on their front cover.  In another surprise, “The Advocate” magazine which comes from the LGBT community and is usually anti-religious has named Pope Francis its choice for ‘man of the year.’


While their reasons stem from misinterpreting some of his words, the fact that they took the time to honor him says much.  The Vicar of Jesus Christ is certainly making it clear that he means business.  He is ‘making a mess’ in the world.


Christ must be preached in season and out of season (2 Timothy 4:2); and boy did Pope Francis bring Christ this year like a blizzard whitening up the world with God’s graces.


It bothers me to see some attack Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and even Blessed John Paul II and the Popes before them.  This shouldn’t be a “this Pope is better than that Pope” thing.  Each Pope is selected by the Holy Spirit to lead the Church. The man who is selected is given the graces needed to handle the Pontificate and its challenges.


Each Pope contributes to the Church and the world in different ways.  Blessed John Paul II was the most traveled Pope and basically paved the way for the Popes after him.  He helped put the Papacy into a position of popularity that rivals even the Beatles or any popular singer or celebrity. John Paul II brought the Papacy to the people worldwide and blessed the Church with the genius of his philosophical thought.  He showed us how to suffer with Christ on the Cross.


Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI brought to the Papacy his genius when it comes to theology.  He was a professor and is an author of many books that are excellent.  The Church grew under his watch. He reaffirmed the teachings of the Church, restored the dignity of the Mass (both rites) and began to clean up the filth in the Church.  He taught us that it’s okay to step down from high positions and  to realize that our roles in the Church are God-given and we don’t own them.  This is humility.


Pope Francis now has the torch and is building upon what was there already from previous Popes.












MTV Names Pope Francis ‘Man of the Year’

Pope Francis was named ‘man of the year’ by an unexpected group: MTV.

MTV, known for its left-progressive themes, vulgarity and immoral programming decided to name our current Pontiff their pick for ‘man of the year.’

Unfortunately, he was not picked for this title for being the Pope, but for what MTV thinks he stands for.  In their statement, they write:

“Pope Francis: mtvU Man of the Year
Pope Francis, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio to Italian parents in Buenos Aires, assumed the leadership role of the Catholic Church in March 2013, while focusing on breaking down bureaucracy and making the church more inclusive and community focused.
Months into his papacy, he surprised many by declaring that he would not judge a person for their sexual orientation, taking a bold stance on homosexuality that diverged from that of his predecessor. Continuing in his quest to unite rather than divide the Church, Pope Francis gave a high profile interview that appeared in Jesuit publications around the world in September, preaching love, acceptance and humility over dogma.
“We cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods,” said Pope Francis in the interview. “It is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time.”
Instead, Pope Francis, who took his name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi to demonstrate his concern for the well-being of the poor, has used his power to focus the Catholic Church on fighting poverty, luxury and vanity. His own humility and outspokenness in the name of acceptance has brought a new, unexpected voice to the Vatican in 2013.”

MTV officials obviously have misinterpreted Pope Francis’ words as him somehow turning his back on Church teaching.  We all know that Pope Francis has been misinterpreted by the media to appear as some liberal Pontiff that has come to undue what Pope Benedict XVI and previous Popes have said and done.  To them, this Pope is the “real Vicar of Jesus Christ” while the ones before him were “quacks.”  This is far from the truth.

See more here:



In any event, Pope Francis has infiltrated a network that reaches millions of youth and corrupts their impressional minds.  Perhaps this award is a blessing in disguise.  It will draw attention to the Pope and hopefully inspire MTV’s viewership to research more on him and the Catholic Church. As the saying goes, “God writes straight but with crooked lines.”  It seems God is doing something here by finding a way for the Pope to spread the seeds of the faith even in this network which is pro-abortion, pro-lgbt and anti-religion.




