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Tag Archives: Supreme Court

Hobby Lobby & Scotus

God is good!


Today the Supreme Court of the United States of America sided with conscience rights and freedom of religion!  Our prayers, especially the Fortnights for Freedom are producing their fruit!


The long case (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby) with arts and crafts store “Hobby Lobby” is finally over with the aforementioned celebrating a victory.  Five out of the nine justices have decided that the government cannot force employers et al to go against their religious beliefs by funding contraception and other things that go against faith and morals.  You can read on the decision here: http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/13pdf/13-354_olp1.pdf


Companies can now opt-out of Obamacare’s contraception mandate which has been a thorn on the side of religious organizations and businesses run by religious employers.  Under the HHS Mandate, employers had to provide contraception coverage to employees.  This ruffled the feathers of the Catholic Church, other religious denominations and businesses who felt the government was overstepping its boundaries by forcing Americans to go against their conscience.  Obama tried to remedy the situation by claiming non-profit organizations and religious bodies are exempt; however, this did not go far enough.  Hobby Lobby owned by an Evangelical family sued and was joined by many other businesses.  Mother Angelica’s EWTN also has filed suit against the Obama Administration because of this HHS Mandate.

These companies and others can now breath a little easier now that the Supreme Court struck down the HHS Mandatae.  However, more needs to be done in order to get rid of the mandate once and for all.  Liberals and others immediately took to blogs, comment posts in order to voice their anger and frustration.  Immediately the “war on women” propaganda was taken out with accusations that the decision was made by five males and that the dissenting opinion came from the female justices basically insinuating a “man vs woman” thing.  What are we in elementary school??
Liberals can be extremely childish…
This decision is not a “war on women” but a war on socialism and censorship of conscience rights and religious freedom.  The government has no right to force anyone to go against his/her conscience.
Moreover, it does not have the right to tell religious bodies what to do.  Religious freedom is the first right guaranteed in America.  Our Founding Fathers were clear on this.  America exists because of Europeans who fled religious persecution and wanted to settle in a place where they can believe freely without oppression.  In reality, America was founded for religious purposes!
Today, we have liberals and others trying to force religion out of America.  It is trying to control how people believe and how people act.  I’m glad that the Supreme Court decided in the way that it did and it gives me hope that America is still alive.  We will not let our religious freedom and conscience rights be trumped by those who are sexually irresponsible.  Contraception, abortion and the like are not healthcare.  They are means used to cover the irresponsibility of those who abuse the gift of sex and want to avoid the natural consequence: pregnancy.  Pregnancy is not a disease with contraception as the cure!
Let us continue to pray for America especially as we approach the fourth of July.  May God keep this nation under Him and keep religious freedom a priority on the table of law makers.  May God give wisdom to liberals and feminists who do not understand the beauty of life and sexuality. Contraception objectifies women and men.






















No Buffer

Eleanor McCullen, the plaintiff on the “bufffer zone”

Freedom of speech and assemble are rights we as Americans hold dear.  However, for quite some time, these principle ideas have been challenged.  


Pro-Abortion advocates who run abortion clinics have taken Pro-Life people to court claiming they are harassing their clients and staff.  In reality, these Pro-Life people just stand outside, pray, offer counseling and other services with the intention of helping women make an educated choice.


This of course is threatening to those who support abortion. If they have no clients; if these Pro-Life counselors convince women not to abort, then they will lose money.  It’s all about the money. In order to counter this, they have gotten activist judges to side with them in creating “buffer zones” meant to keep Pro-life advocates away – far away.  These “buffer zones” pretty much pushed people onto the streets making it nearly impossible to counsel women or even protest.  This of course is the intention of the zone.    


The issue went all the way to the Supreme Court with the case of McCullen v. Coakley.  The Court heard the case and decided UNANIMOUSLY that these “buffer zones” were unconstitutional and had to go.  Chief Justice John Roberts wrote, “The buffer zones burden substantially more speech than necessary to achieve the Commonwealth’s asserted interests.”  He is correct!  The space outside of any clinic, home or store is public domain. Anyone can stand on it, walk on it, protest, pray or whatever as long as he/she is not breaking quality of life laws. To force Pro-Life people to stand over 35 feet away is a violation of the First Amendment.  


Once again the Supreme Court got it right, but the decision is not perfect.  Nevertheless, now Americans can exercise their freedom of speech and assembly in front of abortion clinics in order to save women and children from the evil that masquerades as “healthcare” – abortion.



For the official text of the decision, visit: http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/13pdf/12-1168_6k47.pdf 

The “Buffer Zone” extends right onto the street!




















Satan-ism Gone Wild

First homosexuality, atheism, then marijuana use, now satanism. It seems that ideologies that were deemed “bad” are now gaining steam in the public square as a “good.”

In Oklahoma, over $28,000 was raised on indiegogo to erect a statue of satan after Satanists were angered that a monument of the 10 Commandments was placed on state capitol grounds.  They claim that they want to be represented as well.  A similar thing was done with atheists who made their own statue of a bench claiming to be represented on government property as well.  I guess atheism is now a religion?  The whole thing is silly to say the least.

If that is not crazy enough for you, then there is more. Chaz Stevens of Florida who claims to be a satanist but sounds more like an atheist is requesting that satanist prayers be said prior to council meetings.  This of course is a response to the ruling by the Supreme Court allowing prayer before government meetings. Chaz is no stranger to controversy regarding religion.  He had erected a monument of beer cans at the capitol building out of protest against a Nativity scene.

Chaz has a police record for credit fraud, domestic violence, and has been ordered in the past to get a mental health evaluation.  It appears that this man is not well in the head and perhaps this is just another way of his anti-social behavior attempting to present itself publicly via the mask of the first amendment.




Some people have cried foul against the Supreme Court for their decision. They have claimed that other religions should be allowed to pray before meetings, not just Christians.  The Supreme Court already addressed this in their decision:

“Finally, so long as the town maintains a policy of nondiscrimination, the Constitution does not require it to search beyond its borders for non-Christian prayer givers in an effort to achieve religious balancing. Pp. 9–18” – http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/13pdf/12-696_4f57.pdf

There is no need to have a line up of religious leaders looking to pray before a meeting in order to have each faith represented.  This is just silly.

Lastly, if these are not wild enough, a club at Harvard university – a university founded in order to

teach religion – wants to conduct a “black mass” in the name of “academic freedom” and “education.”  They are inviting a satanic group to come and perform the ritual which is a mockery of the Catholic Mass and often desecrates the Holy Eucharist while performing lewd sexual acts.

The Catholic chaplain at the school along with many others are protesting this calling this an attack against Catholicism and humanity.

These stories all deal with the issue of “freedom.” From the statues to the “black mass,” these people feel that they need to make these provocative moves in order protest what they feel is a favoritism on the part of the government for Christianity.  This is not the case at all.  The United States does not endorse any religion. However, this nation was built upon Judeo-Christian values and ideas.  There is no disputing this. While satanism may claim itself to be a religion, it is just a caricature movement just like atheism. It exists to take a contrarian stance to Christianity.  There is nothing good or positive about satan. Why worship this creature who is limited and has already lost the war against good?

Erecting statues of this creature is just glorifying everything it stands for, namely evil, hatred and stupidity. Lucifer may have been the “angel of light,” but its light bulb was not on when it cried out “I will not serve.” It gave up glory, joy, happiness for what?  Hell, torment and eternal frustration?

Moreover, Harvard must indeed be a haven for free thought and academic inquiry, but these have limits just like freedom of speech has limits where one cannot shout fire in a crowded movie theater. Academic inquiry and freedom exists to study and learn things, not promote ideas that are evil and full of hate.  The satanist cult often sacrifice human beings and other non-human animals. How is this educational?









