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Tag Archives: New York City

Delta Flight & Harrison Ford In Plane Crash

Yesterday was sure a strange day regarding planes. First a Delta flight coming in from Atlanta, Georgia skidded off a runway at LAGuardia airport nearly going into the frigid waters of Flushing Bay.  The day was stormy in New York City with a snowstorm dumping 8 inches in the region.  Despite this, air traffic control gave the clear for Delta Flight 1086 to land.  As it landed, there was no traction and the plane began to slide for over 20 seconds. People onboard were scared and not sure what would happen next.  The plane veered off the runway and hit a fence adjacent to the Flushing Bay.  The plane was literally inches from the waters!  Over 20 passengers were injured, nothing seriously.  Giants tight end Larry Donnell was onboard.  He was coming to New York to sign and one-year contract with the NFL team. An investigation is ongoing to see why the plane skidded off the runway. Port authority officials claim that the runway was plowed and that planes landed prior to Delta Flight 1086 without issue.

If that is not enough drama with planes, actor Harrison Ford known for his role as the adventurous “Indiana Jones” and for playing a “warrior” president in, “Airforce One” was involved in a plane crash himself.

However, he was the one flying the plane. Harrison, 72 is a pilot and took his small vintage plane for a ride when he had trouble with the engine and landed on a golf course in Venice, California. He was taken to the hospital with broken bones and multiple gashes on his head.  Harrison is expected to survive.

















One Saturday December 13, 2014, over 30,000 people marched in New York City protesting the decisions of grand juries who decided not to charge police officers with murder.  The protesters met at Washington Square park and marched down the streets.

NYPD officials let them march without arresting anyone. This has been the new policy under Mayor DiBlasio who want the people to exercise their freedom of speech and assembly without permits as long as they do so peacefully and without obstructing major roads.

The march was peaceful for the most part.  A professor from my alma mater, CUNY, was arrested for alledgely trying to throw a garbage can. Others were arrested as well when they tried to prevent cops from arresting the adjunct professor of English.

Ironically, Washington Square park used to be a place where African Americans and others were
hung to death and left there as a display.  The land itself was used as a potter’s field and contains the remains of over 20,000 people who lived centuries ago.

Some people placed signs that read “I can’t breathe,” echoing the cry of Eric Garner.  Perhaps this was done to connect the past with the present since African Slaves were hung there and hanging does prevent breathing.

The people have had enough and want change.  It seems that we will continue to see these demonstrations until change does occur.











NY Resident With Ebola

Ebola has reached New York City!  Dr. Craig Spencer who works for Doctors Without Borders was working in Guinea and returned to the United States just a few days ago. He seemed fine until he began feeling fatigue on Wednesday October 22. Despite this, he went on a three mile jog, traveled via an Uber taxi cab as well as the A and L lines on the subway. He also went out for a night of recreation at a Brooklyn bowling alley.

It wasn’t until Thursday morning that he got a fever that reached 103 degrees and had bouts of diarrhea. He was immediately transferred to Bellevue Hospital, the hospital where I was born at.  Bellevue Hospital is the official place to treat possible cases of Ebola in the New York City area.

Both Mayor Diblasio and Governor Cuomo as well as medical professionals spoke via a press conference reassuring New Yorkers that things are under control and that Dr. Spencer will have a speedy recovery since he entered isolation at the onset of the virus infection.  Nevertheless, as a precaution, city officials are tracking down anyone who may have been in close contract with the patient.

Let us pray for Dr. Craig Spencer that he may recovery quickly and that Ebola will not spread elsewhere in the City.  He is receiving top notch care at Bellevue Hospital which is the hospital from which I was born and where my mother took me as a child to get my physicals, shots and what not.   He’s in good hands!  Dr. Spencer volunteered his knowledge and skills to help others.  God will help him.

