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Daily Archives: March 6, 2015

“The Fosters” Gay Boy Porn

ABC has gone a long way downhill from the good family oriented programs of the past such as “Family Matters” and “Full House.” There is a huge debate raging on social media over a program called “The Fosters” which featured to young boys kissing.  Yes, you read that right, two young boys.  In the scene, two boys named Jude and Connor are seen playing ball and then frolicking about until they wrestle on the ground. One of the boys gets jealous that another was invited out.  Then a scene is shown of them in a room arguing when one kicks the other. The one that was kicked then plants a big kiss to the aggressive boy and then they stare at each other.

Ironically, this show airs on the “ABC Family” franchise of ABC which is supposed to air family oriented programming.  Instead, viewers got to see sick mild child homoerotic pornography.  What is the world coming to?  I fear for our youth who have to be forced to view these disgusting images masquerading as cute “puppy love.”

I invite my readers to contact ABC Family and protest.  Contact their sponsors and notify them that you do not appreciate this LGBT perversion being put on programming meant for families and children.

77 W 66th St #13, 
New York, NY 10023
(212) 456-7777








Ephebophile at Bronx Science

I am sad to report that in a school I know very well is once again the topic of scandal.  Jon Cruz, a debate team coach and social studies teacher was arrested by the FBI for possession and creation of child pornography.  Cruz pretended to be a teenager online by using a photo of one of his former students on an app called “Kik” and even paid minors money so they can send him nude photos of their bodies.  The authorities were notified when one of the parents of a victim found the correspondence of Cruz on the child’s phone.

Cruz told his victims that he was a 15/16-year-old student at Dalton School which is located in New York City.  He also told them that he was a son of wealthy parents, was a nerd and loved jocks or muscled athletic guys.  One boy in New Mexico was paid $900 for images of his face and feet, two others received $1,600 in gift cards and $5000 for nude photos of their butt cheeks and genitals. There is a 1 million dollar bail placed on Cruz which I doubt he will be able to pay off.  A former student claims that the teacher solicited his friends for images of their feet and even wanted sex after they graduated.

The incident is disgusting and goes to show how these sick individuals are in every facet of society.  This teacher worked with youth.  As a matter of fact, he was well loved by current, and former students.  Cruz is clearly an ephebophile, or a person who is attracted to older teenagers 14-19.  Not much is known about this condition. However, it is believed that the appearance of bodies that are young but look like adults stimulates the sexual desires of an ephebophile.

Parents must watch their children. Their phones must be searched for these apps that are doorways for predators.  Parents must check what photos their children are taking and to whom they are sending them to.  If I were a parent, none of my children would get phones or webcams. There is no need for that nonsense at their age. They should be reading books and socializing with real people their age in real life, not on some server.







Delta Flight & Harrison Ford In Plane Crash

Yesterday was sure a strange day regarding planes. First a Delta flight coming in from Atlanta, Georgia skidded off a runway at LAGuardia airport nearly going into the frigid waters of Flushing Bay.  The day was stormy in New York City with a snowstorm dumping 8 inches in the region.  Despite this, air traffic control gave the clear for Delta Flight 1086 to land.  As it landed, there was no traction and the plane began to slide for over 20 seconds. People onboard were scared and not sure what would happen next.  The plane veered off the runway and hit a fence adjacent to the Flushing Bay.  The plane was literally inches from the waters!  Over 20 passengers were injured, nothing seriously.  Giants tight end Larry Donnell was onboard.  He was coming to New York to sign and one-year contract with the NFL team. An investigation is ongoing to see why the plane skidded off the runway. Port authority officials claim that the runway was plowed and that planes landed prior to Delta Flight 1086 without issue.

If that is not enough drama with planes, actor Harrison Ford known for his role as the adventurous “Indiana Jones” and for playing a “warrior” president in, “Airforce One” was involved in a plane crash himself.

However, he was the one flying the plane. Harrison, 72 is a pilot and took his small vintage plane for a ride when he had trouble with the engine and landed on a golf course in Venice, California. He was taken to the hospital with broken bones and multiple gashes on his head.  Harrison is expected to survive.














