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Daily Archives: March 4, 2015

Sweet Home Alabama

Alabama’s Supreme Court ordered the state’s probate judges to stop issuing licenses to marry to LGBT couples.  The decision was a “slap-to-the-face” to federal judges in Alabama and elsewhere who overturned bans on so-called same-sex marriage where they argued that such bans were a violation of the Constitution.

The court which is composed of Republicans sided with organizations seeking to protect the family and the institution of marriage between one man and one woman.  The judges ruled stating that the US Constitution does not give the authority to judges to reject state law.  They must administer it, which in this case only defines marriage between one man and one woman.  The ruling was worded in a 134-page document.

This is good news and hopefully will inspire the United States Supreme Court to side with traditional marriage.  It is unAmerican and wrong for unelected men and women to decide the law of the land. What is the point of having legislative bodies or voting if unelected judges can decide the laws of our nation?  We must stop this judicial activism before it destroys our nation.







NYC adds 2 Muslim School Holidays

Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carmen Farina announced that the school calendar will now include two new holidays for Muslims, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.  Eid al-Fitr comes at the end of Ramadan and is when the fast is broken and zakat is given, or charity.  The holiday of Eid al-Adha is celebrated ten days into Dhu al-Hijjah and is when Muslims have a meal with the meat of a sheep. These holidays are based on lunar orbits, so they do not always fall on the same days.

Muslims welcome the addition, but others do not claiming that it is hard to find a babysitter or someone who will care of their children when they are off from school. In today’s world, both parents are usually at work leaving the children in the care of schools.  Moreover, others are concerned that Islam is taking root in American society and can conflict with Americanism.

As a child who went to New York City public schools, I always wondered why we had so many Jewish holidays when there were no Jewish people around me. My classes were mainly composed of Puerto Ricans, African Americans, some Italian, Irish and Mexican.  To my knowledge, there were no Jewish students. That being said, I think the school system has too many holidays.  Kids today are failing. A good number of them do not know how to read, write or do basic math. While I have respect for all religions, I think they need to understand that education is important. God gave us brains that can do so many wonderful things.  We must put these organs to use.  I disagree with de Blasio’s decision and hope the matter will be brought up in the future. Man-made religious rituals should not interfere with a child’s education, in my opinion. God only cares about what is in the heart.


@Sacerdotus Restored by Twitter!

Thanks be to God, Our Lady, St. Therese and my supporters!  Twitter has restored my first and original account @Sacerdotus which was suspended in 2013 after it was falsely reported by Twitter Troll Esther Harrison who blogs as “Rosa Rubicondior” on blogspot.com and other trolls.   Most likely they will continue reporting it.  I had people write to Twitter, and sent cease and desist letters to Twitter explaining that they were violating my religious freedom and free speech by suspending me just because of false reports.  There is no reason for Twitter to suspend accounts that tweet Catholic things, yet keep accounts that harass others, troll and defame.  It has to stop and if using the law is what it takes, then so be it.  

I will update this post showing the evidence of the tweets and harassment I have received along with tweets that I sent and was suspended for so all can see that Twitter has a policing problem.  They suspend the victims and keep the abusers.  Moreover, I will most likely sue these Twitter trolls and the blogs who have libelous content against me and other people.  Friends of mine who work in the legal profession inform me that I have a case and can get monetary damages for the actions of these trolls regardless of their location.