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Pope Francis to visit USA in 2015

According to major news outlets, Pope Francis is visiting the United States in September 2015 in order to attend the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. He told a group of religious leaders in Rome, “I wish to confirm according to the wishes of the Lord, that in September of 2015, I will go to Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families.”

This is awesome news and I am excited over it. It is also rumored that he may visit Washington D.C. as well as New York City to speak at the United Nations. Cardinal Dolan has made an indication that this may in fact be the case but will let everyone know if it is in fact official.







CUNY Graduate Wins Nobel Prize

Education is the key to success!

Congratulations to Dr. John O’Keefe, Dr. Edvard Moser and his wife Dr. May-Britt Moser.  Dr. John O’Keef is a graduate from my alma mater in the City University of New York!  It is a proud moment for all students past and present of CUNY.

These three researchers won the Nobel Peace Prize for their research on how the brain is able to determine location.  In other words, it has long been theorized that our brains have a natural “GPS system” similar to that of birds which rely on the magnetic poles to calculate their location and which direction to migrate to during the change of seasons.

Dr. O’Keefe is a member of the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology at the University College of London.  While doing his research on rats, he found that there were certain nerve cells in the brain that became active as the rat was in various locations.  These cells come from the hippocampus and they created a schema or map of an environment.

This research can help people with memory problems, especially Alzheimer’s disease.

Again, I am extremely proud to be a graduate of the City University of New York and I congratulate these three researchers on their work and for winning the Nobel Peace Prize.





Derek Jeter Day

Yesterday a special ceremony was held for retiring Yankees shortstop, Derek Jeter.  September 7, 2014 was “Derek Jeter day.”  Many of Jeter’s former teammates came to pay homage to this great baseball player.  Among them were, Jorge Posada, Tino Martinez, Bernie Williams, Joe Torre, Andy Pettitte, David Cone, Paul o’Neil and so forth.

Derek Jeter started his career with the Yankees in 1995.  He won five World Series with the team and numerous other awards for his skills on the field. Jeter has participated in many All-Star games and has been the “face of baseball” since he was a rookie.

At the ceremony, he received many gifts, plagues and even a paid vacation to Tuscany, Italy.  His family were in attendance and at the end, he gave a short but powerful speech thanking everyone, especially the fans who have watched him grow up and who he said he has watch some “get old” as well.  Derek Jeter will not doubt be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. He has earned his place there with his many achievements, professionalism and gentleman personality.  He is a class act!  Not once did he even get into a brawl or argued with an umpire.

He replied to these with big hits or his famous “Jeterian” hits that seems to send the ball towards the opposite way from where he swung the bat towards.  Moreover, he reaching 3,000 hits in a dramatic way by doing it with a home-run!  These are things only the “Babe” was able to do which made him a legend.  Jeter is the New York Yankees modern “Babe Ruth” and he will be truly missed.  I was a mere kid when he started and have followed his career since.  You know you made it big as a Yankee when even the Red Sox fans and other teams cheer you and celebrate your career.  The Yankees will not be the same without him.




