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Daily Archives: March 18, 2015

DeGrasse to host “StarTalk” on Television

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson seems to be all over these days. He was chosen to host the remake of the late Carl Sagan’s hit, “Cosmos” in 2014 and apparently decided not to continue with the series despite its popularity.

He also hosts a popular podcast entitled “StarTalk.” DeGrasse is a product of the Bronx of Puerto Rican and African American descent who fell in love with the stars. He speaks passionately on science and sometimes makes statements which cause controversy.

Despite this, he is a great communicator and will now have a night program named after his podcast on the National Geographic Channel.  “StarTalk” will air on April 20, 2015 according to the National Geographic Channel network. In keeping with the tradition of the podcast, he will be having a host of guests from a variety of backgrounds including scientists such as Richard Dawkins, actors such as Star Trek’s George Takei, and others.

I am excited to learn of this news and look forward to viewing the TV version of his podcast which I enjoy listening to.  It is sad that he will not return to “Cosmos,” but rumor has it that one of my former instructors, Michio Kaku at CUNY will take his place.  That being said, “Cosmos” is in very good hands!

In other news, here is a funny video of Degrasse sounding as if he were high: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/25/neil-degrasse-tyson-stoned-video-response_n_5023458.html

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